Wednesday 23 March 2011



To cool the dissolving solution from 65 °C to 35 °C before crystallization.

Design :
        Two heat exchangers connected parallel having same specifications will work on half of the total flow rates.
To cool fluid from 63 °C to 35 °C with water being heated from 25 °C to 40 °C.
T1 = 63 °C = 145.4 °F                        ,           t1 = 25 °C = 77 °F

T2 = 35 °C = 95 °F                 ,           t2 = 40°C = 104 °F

Flo 0w rate of Fluid                                           
Flow rate of water




High Temp.

Low Temp.



41.4°F =  ΔT2

18 °F =    ΔT1
Heat Balance:
Heat to be removed      =          2891802.84
63 °C                          35 °C

40 °C                           25 °C       (Eq. 5.14 By Kern P / 89)
LMTD Correction :
                                        0.395              From fig. 18 by Kern P / 828)

Ft for 1 ─   2 exchanger = 0.525          (Very Low)
(From fig. 19 by Kern P / 829)
Ft for 2 ─   4 exchanger = 0.92

Corrected LMTD         =       LMTD x  Ft

=       28.04 x  0.92
=       25.85° F

Let Tubes available for service are  &1" Δ Pitch &13BWG
(From Kern, Page 128)

Inner diameter  of tubes           =          0.56 in.
(From Kern, Page 843, Table10)

(Page 843 by Kern)

Assuming U D from Kern, Page840

U D                  =          40

Q                     =          U DA (LMTD)

(From Kern, page 89, eq.5.13)
Total length of tubes                              =         
                                                            =                                  14247.14 ft
Let length of each tube                          =                                  16 ft
(From Richardson & Coulson, Vol 6, Page 645)

Number of tubes                       =                                
`                                                                       =                                  890.45 tubes
                                                                                                (From Page 842 by Kern)
For  “OD and 1" Δ Pitch for 4 passes.
Nearest No. of tubes                                        =                      882
(Table 9, Page 842 by Kern)
And internal diameter of Shell is 35 in.
(From Kern, page 842, Table 9)

A         =          NtdoL
=          8820.196316  
=          2770.185 ft2

Corrected UD                       40.38

This is nearly equal to assumed value of U D = 40
In our case the flow rate of cold fluid H2O is less than hot fluid (slurry) , also slurry is corrosive therefore slurry is taken in tubes and water is taken in shell.

Baffle spacing               =          B          =          12 in.
            (25 % cut segmented baffles)
(By Kern Page 156)

Clearance       =      Cl    =      PT    -    OD

                                                            =          1.0     -    0.75 in
                                                            =          0.25 in
Shell Side: (water, cold fluid)
=          90.5 °F
For Water,
µ          =          0.8cp   =          0.8×2.42
(Page 822 by Kern)
(By Kern, Table 10 Page800)
(Page 804 by Kern)   
                                                De        =          0.73 in.
(From fig 28, Page 838 By Kern)
=          10434.68
                                    JH    =      58
(From fig 28, Page 838 By Kern)
(Eq. 6.15b by Kern)
(By Kern, page111)
                                                          =          1
=          1.83
Tube side (Hot Slurry Fluid):
(Table 10, Page 843 by Kern)

(Eq. 7.48 By Kern)
Eq. 7.2 By Kern, Page 138)
=          0.0466ft
=                 120.2 °F
µ              =      4Cp
                                                            =          4 2.42
                                                                        =          1332.22
=          48.75

K         =          0.9 K water

                                                                                                (Kern page 161)
=          0.9  0.37
=          0.333
=          343.35
JH     =       3.7
(From Kern Fig.24, Page 834)
(Eq. 6.15, By Kern, Page 111)
(From Kern, Page 111)
=          2.51

(From Kern, Page105, and Eq. 6.5)
(Eq. 6.71, Page 106 by Kern)
(Eq. 6.10, Page 107 by Kern)

=          0.0026

Pressure drop:
Shell side:
N Re    =          10434.68
                                                f           =          0.0021
Fig 29, Page 839 by Kern)
                                                 S         =          1
                                                Ds        =         
                                                            =          2.917 ft
No. of crosses                                      =          N + 1
                                        =          16
For 2 – Passes
16 * 2         =       32
(Eq. 7.44, Page 147 by Kern)

=6.82 Psi

6.82 Psi < 10 Psi  (Allowable pressure drop)
Tube side (Slurry, hot fluid)
N Re    =          1332.22
f           =          0.00048
(From Kern, Fig26, Page 836)
(From Pak Arab NP Manual)
(Eq. 7.45, Page 148 by Kern)
=       1.5 Psi
Exit and Entrance Losses:
(Fig. 27, Page 837 by Kern)
(Eq. 7.46, Page 148 by Kern)
=       0.105 Psi
(Eq. 7.47, Page 148 by Kern)
=          1.5 + 0.105
=          1.605
1.605 < 10 Psi (Allowable Pressure Drop)

 And  Both less than 10 Psi



1 comment:

  1. That is very interesting Smile I love reading and I am always searching for informative information like this. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for sharing this great post. Heat Exchangers || Columns || Mixers
